姓 名:贺彪 职 称:教授 研究方向:智慧城市信息平台、空间大数据分析 电子邮箱:whu_hebiao@hotmail.com 个人介绍 "" 论文 1 潘天鹭, 郭仁忠, 林兴强, 钟任新*, 王伟玺, 贺彪*. Integrated optimal control strategies for freeway traffic mixed with connected automated vehicles: A model-based reinforcement learning approach. Transportation research part C. 2021, 123(SCI). 2 钟任新, 熊建辉, 黄云萍, 郑楠, 林兴强, 潘天鹭*, 贺彪*. Dynamic user equilibrium for departure time choice in the basic trip-based model. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies . 2021, 128(SCI). 3 李敏敏, 郭仁忠, 李游, 贺彪*, 陈宇, 樊勇. Distribution Characteristics of the Transportation Network in China at the County Level. IEEE Access. 2019, 7(SCI). 4 李敏敏, 郭仁忠, 李游, 贺彪*, 樊勇. The Distribution Pattern of the Railway Network in China at the County Level. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8(SCI). 5 樊勇, 姚聚慧, 何宗宜, 贺彪*. Study of Urban System Spatial Interaction Based on Microblog Data: A Case of Huaihe River Basin, China. Scientific Programming. 2019, 2019(SCI). 6 李敏敏, 贺彪*, 郭仁忠, 李游, 陈宇, 樊勇. Study on Population Distribution Pattern at the County Level of China. Sustainability. 2018, 10(SCI). 7 樊勇, 张圣笛, 何宗宜, 贺彪*. Spatial Pattern and Evolution of Urban System Based on Gravity Model and Whole Network Analysis in the Huaihe River Basin of China. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2018, 2018(SCI). 8 郭仁忠, 虞昌彬, 李霖, 贺彪, 赵志刚. 平面片构体算法中广度优先遍历和深度优先遍历策略的调. 2014年全国地理信息学术研讨会. 2014, undefined(EI). 专利 1 文奴*, 汤圣君, 贺彪. 一种多线程并行计算的交通视频目标检测方法及装置, 发明专利2019, 已申请未授权 : 2019103294315 2 汤圣君*, 李游, 李晓明, 黄正东, 王伟玺, 贺彪, 赵志刚, 郭仁忠. 一种多RGB-D传感器的空间三维扫描方法及装置, 发明专利(中国),2019, 已申请未授权 : 201910281532X 3 虞昌彬, 郭仁忠, 李霖, 赵志刚, 贺彪. 基于深度优先遍历策略的地理空间三维外轮廓自动构建方法, 发明专利(中国),2016, 已授权 : ZL2015102296601 4 虞昌彬, 郭仁忠, 李霖, 赵志刚, 贺彪. 一种地理空间实体构建方法及系统, 发明专利(中国),2015, 已授权 : ZL2014103099061