
An assessment method for landmark recognition time in real scenes

期刊名称: Journal of Environmental Psychology
全部作者: Xing Zhang*,Qingquan Li,Zhixiang Fang,Shiwei Lu,Shih-lung Shaw
出版年份: 2014
卷       号: 40
期       号:
页       码: 206-217
This study assessed landmark recognition time by investigating response time of participants in a visual search task. A simple predictive model was proposed to quantitatively estimate recognition time according to landmark features. Results revealed that size, shape and text (e.g., on billboard) feature attracted attention of participants and led to shorter recognition time. Mean error of the predictive model was 0.42 s, which approximately described the time or cognitive burden needed for landmark recognition. These results improve our understanding of the relationships between landmark features and recognition efficiency, and facilitate the weighting of these features in landmark identification or selection methods.