
Forming a global monitoring mechanism and a spatiotemporal performance model for geospatial services

期刊名称: International Journal of Geographical Information Science
全部作者: Jizhe Xia*,Chaowei Yang,Kai Liu,Zhenlong Li,Min Sun,Manzhu Yu
出版年份: 2015
卷       号: DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2014.968783
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Geographic information service (GIService) has become popular in the last decade to develop applications for addressing global challenges. Performance is one of the most important criteria to help users select distributed online GIService for developing geospatial applications including natural hazards and emergency responses. However, performance accuracy is limited by the single-location-based evaluation mechanism while service performance is dynamic in space and time between end-users and services. We propose a spatiotemporal performance evaluation mechanism to improve the accuracy. Specially, a cloud and volunteer computing mechanism is proposed to collect performance information of globally distributed GIServices. A global spatiotemporal performance model is designed to integrate spatiotemporal dynamics for better performance evaluation for users from different regions at different times. This model is tested to support GIService selection in global spatial data infrastructures (SDIs). The experiment confirms that the proposed model provides more accurate evaluations for global users and better supports geospatial resource utilizations in SDIs than previous mechanisms. The methodology can be adopted to improve the services of other regional and global distributed operational systems. Keywords: quality of service (QoS); spatiotemporal patterns; service-oriented architecture (SOA); Big Data; cloud computing