
CFP: ISPRS WGⅡ/7 & ACM SIGSPATIAL CHINA Joint Workshop Spatial Big Data Mining and Visualization 2014


14 December 2014




Call for Papers


Existing concepts, theories, and methods for the spatial big data are facing many challenges, for instance, spatial big data storage, processing, analysis, mining and visualization. The value of spatial big data could not be fully achieved without data mining. And it has been realized that visualization is an effective means for not only presenting essential information in vast amounts of data but also driving big data analytics. This half-day workshop aims to serve as a platform to discuss the recent trends in spatial big data mining and visualization, for the purpose of intelligent spatial decision support. We invite the submission of original research contributions. All accepted papers will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press that are indexed by EI. Outstanding papers will be invited to extend to full version for a SCI(E)-indexed journal, which is currently under contact.


Topics of Interest

§  Spatial big data processing

§  Spatial big data modeling

§  Spatial big data mining

§  Spatial data visualization approach

§  Spatial big data visual analytics

§  Geo-visual analytics for usability testing and exploring big data

§  Intelligent Spatial decision support

§  Geo-Social networks, crowd sourcing and public participatory spatial decision support

§  Data-intensive computing and computational intelligence for spatial decision support


Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically to the CyberChair Conference Management System. All papers submissions can be up to 8 pages in the IEEE 2-column format (please see  http://icdm2014.sfu.ca/submission.html). They should be submitted via the online submission system. Each paper will be assigned to three reviewers for a peer review. All accepted papers will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press that are indexed by EI. Outstanding papers will be invited to extend to full version for a SCI(E)-indexed journal, which is currently under contact.


Important Dates

§  Paper submission(suggested lenght: 6 pages): September 26, 2014

§  Paper notification: October 10, 2014

§  Camera-ready deadline: October 23, 2014

§  Workshop dates: December 14, 2014

§  Full paper submission for special issue: January 31, 2015

§  Initial decision on full papers: March 15, 2015

§  Final papers due for special issue: April 30, 2015

§  Final decisions on full papers: May 31, 2015


§  Qingquan Li, Shenzhen University

§  Yang Yue, Shenzhen University

§  Guangzhong Sun, University of Science and Technology of China

§  Xing Xie, Microsoft Research Asia


Local chair

§  Xing Zhang, Shenzhen University


Technical Program Committee

§  Feng Lu, Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

§  Nicholas Yuan, Microsoft Research Asia

§  Kevin Zheng, Queensland University

§  Yu Liu, Peking University

§  Gang Pan, Zhejiang University

§  Zhixiang Fang, Wuhan University

§  Xianfeng Huang, Wuhan University

§  Biyu Chen, Wuhan University

§  Kuien Liu, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences

§  Jiajie Xu, Suzhou University

§  Shuo Shang, China University Of Petroleum (Beijing)

§  Rui Mao, Shenzhen University

§  Xing Zhang, Shenzhen University

§  Wei Tu, Shenzhen University

§  Jianliang Xu, Hong Kong Baptist University

§  Weiwei Sun, Fudan University

§  Qi Liu, University of Science and Technology of China


Key Notes

§    §  keynote speaker on spatial big data mining

Paul He

Paul He is a researcher at Tencent SNG. He joined Tencent in 2009, has been engaged in data mining-related projects, including user significant places detection, QQ circle, friends/groups recommendation and so on. He focuses on user mobility analysis, location-based social network(LBSN), machine learning, etc.

§    §  keynote speaker on spatial big data visualization

Dr. Xiaoru Yuan

Peking University

Contact Information:

For any inquiries, please contact the workshop local Chair Dr. Xing Zhang: xzhang@szu.edu.cn



Room 1402, Science and Technology Building, Shenzhen University

No. 3688 Nanhai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P. R. China, 518060