
姓       名:朱孝林(香港理工大学)

职       称:副教授




香港理工大学土地测量及地理资讯学系副教授,获得国家自然基金委优秀青年基金(港澳)资助。美国俄亥俄州立大学地理系博士,科罗拉多州立大学(2015年)和加州大学戴维斯分校(2016年)博士后。《遥感学报》、《Science of Remote Sensing》编委。主要研究方向包括遥感图像处理、数据融合、生态遥感、城市遥感、夜间灯光遥感。迄今为止,发表SCI论文80多篇,SCI引用5000多次,进入斯坦福大学全球前2%年度顶尖科学家榜单。获得多项国内外重要奖励,包括李小文遥感科学青年奖,美国摄影测量与遥感协会(ASPRS)Robert N. Colwell Memorial Fellowship奖,香港理工大学院长奖。


1. 基于多源遥感数据融合的精细尺度城市植被物候探测研究,国家自然基金委面上项目, 2023-2026年,主持,在研。

2. Reducing uncertainty in daily nighttime light remote sensing due to angular and cloud effects,香港研究资助局, 2023-2025 年,主持,在研。

3. 时序遥感, 国家自然基金委优秀青年基金(港澳), 2021-2023 年,主持,在研。

4. 中国南方多云区域植被物候遥感探测方法研究:基于重建的高质量Lands at时间序列,国家自然基金委青年项目, 2018-2020 年,主持,结题。

5. A Novel Automatic Approach for Reconstructing High-Quality Seasonal Satellite Images in Cloudy Regions, 香港研究资助局, 2018-2020 年,主持,结题。


1.Xu, S., Zhu, X.*, Chen, J., Zhu, X., Duan, M., Qiu, B., Wan, L., Tan, X., Xu, Y., Cao, R. A robust index to extract paddy fields in cloudy regions from SAR time series, Remote Sensing of Environment, February 2023, 285, 113374.

2.Zhu, X., Zhan, W., Zhou, J., Chen, X., Liang, Z., Xu, S., Chen, J*. A novel framework to assess all-round performances of spatiotemporal fusion models. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2022, 274, 113002.

3.Tan, X., Zhu, X.*, Chen, J., Chen, R., Modeling the direction and magnitude of angular effects in nighttime light remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2022, 269, 112834.

4.Cao, X., Hu, Y., Zhu, X*., Shi, F., Zhuo, L., Chen, J. A simple self-adjusting model for correcting the blooming effects in DMSP-OLS nighttime light images. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 224, 401-411

5.Zhu, X.*, Helmer, E.H. An automatic method for screening clouds and cloud shadows in optical satellite image time series in cloudy regions, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2018, 214, 135-153.

6.Zhu, X.*, Helmer E., Liu, D., Chen, J., Gao, F., and Lefsky M. A flexible spatiotemporal method for fusing satellite images with different resolutions. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2016, 172, 165-177

7.Zhu, X., and Liu, D*. Improving forest aboveground biomass estimation using seasonal Landsat NDVI time-series. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2015, 102, 222-231.

8.Zhu, X., and Liu, D*. Accurate mapping of forest types using dense Landsat time-series. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2014, 96, 1-11.

9.Zhu, X., Liu, D*. and Chen, J. A new geostatistical approach for filling gaps in Landsat ETM+ SLC-off images, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013, 124, 49-60.

10.Zhu, X., Chen, J.*, Gao, F. and Masek, J. G. An enhanced spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model for complex heterogeneous regions. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2010, 114, 2610-2623.


1. 陈晋, 陈仲新, 朱孝林, 陈学弘,遥感影像的处理方法及系统,发明专利(中国),专利号:2009100793750



