
姓       名:夏吉喆

职       称:副教授




   夏吉喆,副教授,深圳大学荔园优青学者,深圳大学教学新秀,深圳市孔雀计划高层次人才,南山区领航人才,中国地理学会地理大数据工委会委员,ACM SIGSPATIA SRC 共同主席,深圳市空间信息智能感知与服务重点实验室副主任。

   2015 年获美国乔治梅森大学地球系统与地理信息科学专业博士学位,2016年3月至2017年6月任助理研究教授,曾作为核心人员参与了美国NASA,NSF,USGS等研究项目。

   2017年6月起任深圳大学助理教授,现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、广东省自然科学基金与深圳市基础研究基金多项;以第一或通讯作者在柳叶刀-数字医疗(IF 36·615)、测绘学报、IJGIS、CEUS等领域内权威期刊发表论文15篇(高被引2篇);研究成果得到《Nature》与《PNAS》等高水平论文的引用,并获新华社《新华网》、《光明日报》与香港《明报》等国家地方媒体的报道;受邀担任《National Science Review》、《Nature Human Behavior》、《Nature Communications》等期刊审稿人。




   2006-2010  华南师范大学  地理信息系统  理学学士

   2010-2012  美国乔治梅森大学  制图学与地理信息科学  理学硕士

   2010-2015  美国乔治梅森大学  地球系统与地理信息科学  哲学博士






   黄   赵 (研究生),英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院攻读博士,2020

                                  英国 Northumbria University任职讲师,2024

   李   帆(研究生),初创公司,2020


   李   珍(研究生),温州市勘察测绘研究院,2021

   李   航(本科),挪威科技大学攻读硕士,2021   







1 夏吉喆, 周颖, 李珍, 李帆, 乐阳, 陈帆, 李清泉*. 城市时空大数据驱动的新型冠状病毒传播风险评估——以粤港澳大湾区为例. 测绘学报. 2020, 6, 671-680. (中文核心).
2 Jizhe Xia, Sicheng Huang, Shaobiao Zhang, Xiaoming Li, Jianrong Lyu, Wenqun Xiu, Wei Tu*. DAPR-tree: a distributed spatial data indexing scheme with data access patterns to support Digital Earth initiatives. International Journal of Digital Earth. 2020, 1(SCI).
3 Ying Zhou, Renzhe Xu, Dongsheng Hu, Yang Yue, Qingquan Li, Jizhe Xia*. Effects of human mobility restrictions on the spread of COVID-19 in Shenzhen, China: a modelling study using mobile phone data. The Lancet. Digital health. 2020, 2(8), e417-e424. (其它).
4 Huang Zhao, Li Qingquan, Li Fan, Xia Jizhe*. A novel bus-dispatching model based on passenger flow and arrival time prediction. IEEE Access. 2019, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2932801(SCI).
5 Li Fan, Li Qingquan, Li Zhen, Huang Zhao, Chang Xiaomeng, Xia Jizhe*. A Personal Location Prediction Method Based on Individual Trajectory and Group Trajectory. IEEE Access. 2019, 92850-92860(SCI).
6 Huang Zhao, Xia Jizhe*, Li Fan, Li Zhen, Li Qingqian*. A Peak Traffic Congestion Prediction Method Based on Bus Driving Time. Entropy. 2019, 709(SCI).
7 Jizhe Xia, Kevin M. Curtin, Jiajun Huang, Di Wu, Wenqun Xiu, Zhengdong Huang*. A carpool matching model with both social and route networks. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2019, 75, 90-102. (SCI).
8 Jizhe Xia, Chaowei Yang, Qingquan Li*. Building a spatiotemporal index for Earth Observation Big Data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2018, Volume 73(SCI).
9 jizhe xia, Qingquan Li*. Using spatiotemporal patterns to optimize Earth Observation Big Data access: Novel approaches of indexing, service modeling and cloud computing. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2018.06.010(SCI).
10 Zhipeng Gui, Manzhu Yu, Chaowei Yang, Yunfeng Jiang, Songqing Chen, Jizhe Xia, Qunying Huang, Kai Liu, Zhenlong Li, Mohammed Anowarul Hassan, Baoxuan Jin*. Developing Subdomain Allocation Algorithms Based on Spatial and Communicational Constraints to Accelerate Dust Storm Simulation. PLoS ONE. 2016, 11(4)(SCI).
11 Jizhe Xia, Chaowei Yang*, Kai Liu, Zhenlong Li, Min Sun, Manzhu Yu. Forming a global monitoring mechanism and a spatiotemporal performance model for geospatial services. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2015, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2014.968783 (SCI).
12 Jizhe Xia, Kevin M. Curtin*, Weihong Li*, Yaolong Zhao. A New Model for a Carpool Matching Service. PLoS ONE . 2015, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129257(SCI).
13 Jizhe Xia, Chaowei Yang*, Zhipeng Gui, Kai Liu, Zhenlong Li. Optimizing an index with spatiotemporal patterns to support GEOSS Clearinghouse. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2014, 28(7)(SCI).
14 Jizhe Xia, Chaowei Yang*, Liu Kai, Zhipeng Gui, Zhenlong Li, Qunying Huang. Adopting cloud computing to optimize spatial web portals for better performance to support Digital Earth and other global geospatial initiatives. International Journal of Digital Earth. 2014, DOI:10.1080/17538947.2014.929750(SCI).
15 Zhipeng Gui, Chaowei Yang, Jizhe Xia, Qunying Huang, Kai Liu, Zhenlong Li. A Service Brokering and Recommendation Mechanism for Better Selecting Cloud Services. PLOS ONE. 2014, e105297(SCI).
16 Zhenlong Li*, Chaowei Yang*, Qunying Huang, Kai Liu, Min Sun, Jizhe Xia. Building Model as a Service to support geosciences. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2014, 61(SCI).
17 Qunying Hunag, Chaowei Yang*, Kai Liu, Jizhe Xia, Cheng Xu, Jing Li, Zhipeng Gui. Evaluating Open Source Cloud Computing Solutions for Geosciences. Computers & Geosciences. 2013, 59(9)(SCI).
18 Zhipeng Gui, Chaowei Yang, Jizhe Xia, Kai Liu, Chen Xu, Jing Li. A performance, semantic and service quality-enhanced distributed search engine for improving geospatial resource discovery. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2013, 27(6)(SCI).
19 Zhipeng Gui*, Chaowei Yang*, Jizhe Xia, Jing Li, Abdelmounaam Rezgui, Min Sun, Yan Xu, Daniel Fay. A Visualization-enhanced Graphical user Interface for Geospatial Resource Discovery. Annals of GIS. 2013, 19(2), 109-21. (其它).
20 Li Fan, Li Qingquan, Li Zhen, Huang Zhao, Chang Xiaomeng, Xia Jizhe*. A Personal Location Prediction Method to Solve the Problem of Sparse Trajectory Data. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management. 2019, undefined(EI).
21 Huang Zhao, Li Qingquan*, Xia Jizhe*, Li Fan. A Passenger Satisfaction Prediction Method Based on Driving Time. Computing, Communications and IoT Applications Conference. 2019, undefined(EI).