
姓       名:涂伟

职       称:教授





       特聘教授。2013年获得武汉大学摄影测量与遥感工学博士学位。深圳市孔雀计划人才、深圳市高层次后备级人才,青年测绘科技创新人才,国际摄影测量与遥感协会WG IV/10共同主席,深圳大学荔园优秀青年学者,麻省理工学院访问学者。

       研究方向为城市时空大数据分析及应用。主持或参与国家自然科学面上、青年基金和中欧国际合作项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、广东省自然科学基金、深圳市基础研究项目17项。在IJGIS、ISPRS J、CEUS、TGIS、IEEE Industrial Informatics等测绘、地理信息、交通期刊发表论文100余篇,其中SSCI/SCI论文75篇,ESI高被引论文6篇;授权发明专利32项,软件著作权6项。获得测绘科学技术奖(2021, 排名第1),教育部科技进步二等奖(2019,排名第4)和地理信息科技进步一等奖(2023,排名第1;2014,排名第11;2015,排名第6)。



             2003-2007   武汉大学测绘学院  工程测量     工学学士

             2007-2009   武汉大学测绘学院  大地测量学与测量工程    工学硕士

             2009-2013   武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室 摄影测量与遥感   工学博士


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CqOh1-YAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN


1 基于人类移动大数据的群体时空行为链精准重建及其模式变化分析(42311530335),国家自然科学基金中欧人才项目,负责人-涂伟,2023.11-2025.04
2 城市不均衡时空数据与空间画像分析算法研究(JCYJ20220818100200001),深圳市基础研究重点项目,负责人-涂伟,2023.04- 2026.03
3 基于多源轨迹大数据的居民活动一致性分析及其时空融合方法研究(42071360), 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 负责人-涂伟, 2021-2024 年
4 城市群模拟与优化技术(2019YFB2103104), 国家科技部, 负责人-涂伟, 2020.01-2022.12 年

空地一体多机器人智能协同关键技术研发(JSGG20201103093401004),深圳市科技创新委员会,合作负责人-涂伟,2021.03-2023.03 年

6 基于多源轨迹数据的个体活动识别与融合(2019A1515011049), 广东省自然科学基金, 负责人-涂伟, 2019-2022 年
7 基于大规模手机轨迹数据的个体活动感知技术研究(JCYJ20180305125113883), 深圳市科技创新委员会, 负责人-涂伟, 2019-2021 年
8 基于城市时空大数据的交通设施分析研究(2016065), 深圳大学青年教师科研启动项目, 负责人-涂伟, 2016-2018 年
9 时变交通网络下的大规模物流运输时空过程建模及优化(41401444), 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 负责人-涂伟, 2015-2017 年
10 基于动态交通信息的城市物流时空建模与优化方法研究(2014M560671), 中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助, 负责人-涂伟, 2014-2015 年
86 Wei Tu, Haoyu Ye, Ke Mai, Meng Zhou, Jincheng Jiang, Tianhong Zhao, Shengao Yi & Qingquan Li (2023) Deep online recommendations for connected E-taxis by coupling trajectory mining and reinforcement learning, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2023.2279969
85 Wei Tu, Wei Gao, Mingxiao Li, Yao Yao, Biao He, Zhengdong Huang, Jie Zhang & Renzhong Guo (2023) Spatial cooperative simulation of land use- population- economy in the Greater Bay Area, China, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2023.2285459
Xiana Chen, Junxian Yu, Yingying Zhu, Ruonan Wu, Wei Tu. Short video-driven deep perception for city imagery. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City. 2023, 1-16.
83 Rui Cao, Cai Liao, Qing Li, Wei Tu, Rui Zhu, Nianxue Luo, Guoping Qiu, Wenzhong Shi. Integrating satellite and street-level images for local climate zone mapping. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2023, 119: 103323.
82 Tianhong Zhao, Zhengdong Huang, Wei Tu, Filip Biljecki, Long Chen. Developing a multiview spatiotemporal model based on deep graph neural networks to predict the travel demand by bus. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2023, 37:7, 1555-1581.
81 Jinzhou Cao, Wei Tu, Rui Cao, Qili Gao, Guanzhou Chen, Qingquan Li. Untangling the association between urban mobility and urban elements. Geo-spatial Information Science. 2023: 1-19.
Tianhong Zhao, Xiucheng Liang, Wei Tu, Zhengdong Huang, Filip Biljecki. Sensing urban soundscapes from street view imagery. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2023, 99: 101915.
79 Qi-Li Gao, Yang Yue, Chen Zhong, Jinzhou Cao, Wei Tu, Qing-Quan Li. Revealing transport inequality from an activity space perspective: A study based on human mobility data. Cities. 2022, 131: 104036.
78 Bowen Zhang, Chen Zhong, Qili Gao, Zahratu Shabrina, Wei Tu. Delineating urban functional zones using mobile phone data: A case study of cross-boundary integration in Shenzhen-Dongguan-Huizhou area. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2022, 98: 101872.
77 Mingxiao Li, Song Gao, Peiyuan Qiu, Wei Tu, Feng Lu, Tianhong Zhao, Qingquan Li. Fine-grained crowd distribution forecasting with multi-order spatial interactions using mobile phone data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2022, 144: 103908.
76 Jincheng Jiang, Wei Tu, Hui Kong, Wei Zeng, Rui Zhang, Milan Konecny. Large-Scale Urban Multiple-Modal Transport Evacuation Model for Mass Gathering Events Considering Pedestrian and Public Transit System. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2022, 23(12): 23059-23069.
75 Tianhong Zhao, Zhengdong Huang, Wei Tu, Biao He, Rui Cao, Jinzhou Cao, Mingxiao Li. Coupling graph deep learning and spatial-temporal influence of built environment for short-term bus travel demand prediction. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2022, 94: 101776.
Dongsheng Chen, Wei Tu, Rui Cao, Yatao Zhang, Biao He, Chisheng Wang, Tiezhu Shi, Qingquan Li. A hierarchical approach for fine-grained urban villages recognition fusing remote and social sensing data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2022, 106: 102661.
73 Jianghai Liao, Yuanhao Yue, Dejin Zhang, Wei Tu, Rui Cao, Qin Zou, Qingquan Li.  Automatic Tunnel Crack Inspection Using an Efficient Mobile Imaging Module and a Lightweight CNN. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2022, 23(90): 15190-15203.
72 Wei Tu, Tingting Zhu, Chen Zhong, Xiaohu Zhang, Yang Xu, Qingquan Li. Exploring metro vibrancy and its relationship with built environment: a cross-city comparison using multi-source urban data. Geo-spatial Information Science. 2022, 25(2): 182-196.
71 Tianhong Zhao, Wei Tu*, Zhixiang Fang, Xiaofan Wang, Zhengdong Huang*, Shengwu Xiong, Meng Zheng. Optimizing Living Material Delivery During the COVID-19 Outbreak. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2021
70 李清泉, 张德津, 汪驰升, 陈智鹏, 涂伟. 动态精密工程测量技术及应用[J]. 测绘学报, 2021, 50(9): 1147-1158.
69 Jinzhou Cao, Qingquan Li, Wei Tu, Qili Gao, Rui Cao, Chen Zhong. Resolving urban mobility networks from individual travel graphs using massive-scale mobile phone tracking data. Cities. 2021.110(103077)
68 谭佩珊, 麦可, 张亚涛, 涂伟. 利用多源城市数据划定地铁站点吸引范围[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2021, 23(4): 593-603.
67 Gao, Qili, Yue, Yang, Tu, Wei, Cao, Jinzhou, Li, Qingquan. Segregation or integration? Exploring activity disparities between migrants and settled urban residents using human obility data. Transactions in GIS. 2021; 00: 1– 30.
66 Bojic, Iva, Dániel Kondor, Wei Tu, Ke Mai, Paolo Santi, and Carlo Ratti. Identifying the Potential for Partial Integration of Private and Public Transportation Sustainability. 2021.13(6): 3424.
65 涂伟, 曹劲舟, 高琦丽, 曹瑞, 方志祥, 乐阳, 李清泉. 融合多源时空大数据感知城市动态[J]. 武汉大学学报 ● 信息科学版, 2020, 45(12): 1875-1883.
64 涂伟, 李清泉, 高文武, 等. 基于机器视觉的桥梁挠度实时精密测量方法[J]. 测绘地理信息, 2020, 45(6):80-87.
63 Gu Yu, Tu Wei, Li Qingquan, Zhao Tianhong, Zhao Dingyi, Zhu Song, Zhu Jiasong. Collaboratively Inspect Large-area Sewer Pipe Networks Using Pipe Robotic Capsules. SIGSSIGSPATIAL '21: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. Beijing. 2021.
62 Mingxiao Li, Song Gao*, Feng Lu, Kang Liu, Hengcai Zhang & Wei Tu* (2021) Prediction of human activity intensity using the interactions in physical and social spaces through graph convolutional networks, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 35:12, 2489-2516
61 Lianjie, Zhou,Qingquan, Li,Wei Tu*, Chisheng, Wang.A heterogeneous key performance indicator metadata model for air quality monitoring in sustainable cities. Environmental Modelling & Software. 2021. 136(104955).
60 Li Qiuping, Zhong Shaobo, Fang Zhixiang*, Liu Lin, Tu Wei, Chen Biyu. Optimizing Mixed Pedestrian-Vehicle Evacuation via Adaptive Network Reconfiguration. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2020, 21(3), 1023-1033. (SCI).
59 朱婷婷, 涂伟*, 乐阳, 钟晨, 赵天鸿, 黎秋平, 李清泉. 利用地理标签数据感知城市活力. 测绘学报. 2020, 49(3), 365-374. (EI).
58 Wei Tu*, Tingting Zhu, Jizhe Xia*, Yulun Zhou, Yani Lai, Jincheng Jiang, Qingquan LI. Portraying the spatial dynamics of urban vibrancy using multisource urban big data. Computer Environment and Urban Systems. 2020, 80(101428)(SCI).
57 Wei Tu, Yatao Zhang*, Qingquan Li*, Ke Mai, Jinzhou Cao. Scale effect on fusing remote sensing and human sensing to portray urban functions. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2020, 00(SCI).
56 Rui Cao, Wei Tu, Cuixin Yang, Qing Li, Jun Liu, Jiasong Zhu, Qian Zhang, Qingquan Li, Guoping Qiu*. Deep learning-based remote and social sensing data fusion for urban region function recognition. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2020, 163, 82-97. (SCI).
55 Zhou Baoding, Tu Wei, Mai Ke, Xue WeiXing, Ma Wei, Li Qingquan. A Novel Access Point Placement Method for WiFi Fingerprinting Considering Existing APs. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 2020, 00(SCI).
54 Tu Wei, Santi, He Xiaoyi, Zhao Tianhong, Liu Xianglong, Li Qingquan, Wallington, Keoleian, Carlo Ratti. Understanding ridesourcing mobility and the future of electrification: a comparative study in Beijing. Journal of Urban Technology. 2020, 00(SCI).
53 叶浩宇, 涂伟, 叶贺辉, 麦可, 赵天鸿, 李清泉. 基于深度强化学习的电动出租车运营优化. 测绘学报. 2020, 00(EI).
52 Chen Yiyong, Chen Yu, Tu Wei, Zeng Xiaoli. Is eye-level greening associated with the use of dockless shared bicycles?. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2020, 51(SCI).
51 TU Wei, Mai Ke, Zhang Yatao, Xu Yang, Huang Jincai, Deng Ming, Chen Long, LI Qingquan. Real-time Route Recommendation for E-Taxies Leveraging GPS Trajectories. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2020, 0(SCI).
50 Lianjie Zhou, Qingquan Li*, Wei Tu*. An efficient access model of Massive spatiotemporal Vehicle trajectory data in Smart City. IEEE Access. 2020, 8, 52452-52465. (SCI).
49 Helena Hang Rong*, Wei Tu, Fábio Duarte, Carlo Ratti. Employing waterborne autonomous vehicles for museum visits: a case study in Amsterdam. European Transport Research Review. 2020, 00(SCI).
48 Cao Jinzhou, Li Qingquan*, Tu Wei*, Wang Feilong. Characterizing preferred motif choices and distance impacts. PLOS One. 2019, 14(4)(SCI).
47 Tu Wei, Paolo Santi, Zhao Tianhong, He Xiaoyi, Li Qingquan*, Dong Lei, Timothy J. Wallington, Carlo Ratti. Acceptability, energy consumption, and costs of electric vehicle for ridehailing. Applied Energy. 2019, 250, 147-160. (SCI).
46 Huang Bo*, Zhou Yulun, Li Zhigang, Song Yimeng, Cai Jixuan, Tu Wei. Evaluating and Characterizing Urban Vibrancy Using Spatial Big Data: Shanghai as a case study. Environment and Urban Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 2019, 0, 1-17. (SCI).
45 Xu Yang, Chen Dachi, Zhang Xiaohu*, Tu Wei, Chen Yunyang, Shen Yu, Carlo Ratti. Unravel the landscape and pulses of cycling activities from a dockless bike-sharing system. Computer, Environment, and Urban Systems. 2019, 74, 184-203. (SCI).
44 Zhu Jiasong, Chen Siyuan, Tu Wei*, Sun Ke. Tracking and Simulating Pedestrian Movements at Intersections Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11(SCI).
43 赵天鸿, 涂伟*, 栾兆亮, 陈斯达. 面向工作者的空间众包动态任务规划算法. 测绘地理信息. 2019, 2, 17-21. (中文核心).
42 Jiang Jincheng, Li Qinqquan, Tu Wei, Shaw Shi-lung, Yue Yang*. A simple and direct method to analyse the influences of sampling fractions on modelling intra-city human mobility. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2019, 33(3), 618-644. (SCI).
41 Zhang Yatao*, Li Qingquan, Tu Wei*, Mai Ke, Yao Yao, Chen YiYong. Functional urban land use recognition integrating multi-source geospatial data and cross-correlations. Computers, Environment and Urban System . 2019, 暂无(SSCI).
40 Wei Tu, Tianhong Zhao, Baoding Zhou, Jincheng Jiang, Jizhe Xia, Qingquan Li. OCD: Online Crowdsourced Delivery for On-Demand Food. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2019, 1-1(SCI).
39 赵天鸿, 涂伟, 朱婷婷, 张亚涛. 城市快递网点空间布局分析与评价——以深圳市为例. 物流技术. 2019, 38(1), 26-30. (其它).
38 Xu Yang, Chen Dachi, Zhang Xiaohu, Tu Wei, Chen Yuanyang, Shen Yu, Carlo Ratti. Unravel the landscape and pulses of cycling activities from a dockless bike-sharing system. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2019, 75, 184-203. (SCI).
37 Dongsheng Chen, Yatao Zhang, Yao Yao, Ye Hong, Qingfeng Guan, Wei Tu. Exploring the spatial differentiation of urbanization on two sides of the Hu Huanyong Line -based on nighttime light data and cellular automata. Applied Geography. 2019, 112, 102081. (SCI).
36 Li Qiuping, Tu Wei*, Zhuo Li. Reliable Rescue Routing Optimization for Urban Emergency Logistics under Travel Time Uncertainty. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2018, 7(SCI).
35 Chen Yiyong, Liu Xiaoping*, Gao Wenxiu, Wang Raymond Yu , Li Yun, Tu Wei. Emerging social media data on measuring urban park use. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2018, 30, 130-141. (SSCI).
34 Wei Tu*, Rui Cao, Yang Yue, Baoding Zhou, Qiuping Li, Qingquan Li. Spatial variations in urban public ridership derived from GPS trajectories and smart card data. Journal of Transport Geography. 2018, 69, 45-57. (SSCI).
33 Xiaohu Zhang, Yang Xu*, Wei Tu, Carlo Rattid. Do different datasets tell the same story about urban mobility — A comparative study of public transit and taxi usage. Journal of Transport Geography. 2018, 70, 78-90. (SSCI).


Zhong Chen, Zeng Shi*, Tu Wei, Yoshida Mitsuo . Profiling the Spatial Structure of London: From Individual Tweets to Aggregated Functional Zones. ISPRS Internation Journal of Geo-Information. 2018, 7(SCI).
 31 Rui Cao, Jiasong Zhu, Wei Tu, Qingquan Li, Jinzhou Cao, Bozhi Liu, Qian Zhang, Guoping Qiu. Integrating Aerial and Street View Images for Urban Land Use Classification. Remote Sensing. 2018, 10(SCI).
 30 谢金运, 涂伟*, 李清泉, 常晓猛, 马承林, 李追日. 大规模浮动车流数据并行地图匹配方法. 武汉大学学报信息科学版. 2017, 42(5), 697-703. (EI).
 29 Wei TU, Qingquan LI, Qiuping LI, Jiasong ZHU, Baoding ZHOU, Biyu CHEN. A spatial parallel heuristic approach for solving very large-scale vehicle routing problems. Transaction in GIS. 2017, 21(6), 1130-1147. (SCI).
Meng Zhou, Donggen Wang, Qingquan Li, Yang Yue, Wei Tu, Rui Cao. Impacts of weather on public transport ridership: Results from mining data from different sources. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2017, 75, 17–29. (SCI).
 27 曹劲舟, 涂伟*, 李清泉, 曹瑞. 基于大规模手机定位数据的群体活动时空特征分析. 地球信息科学学报. 2017, 19(4), 467-474. (CSCD).
 26 TU Wei, CAO Jinzhou, YUE Yang*, SHAW Shih-lung, ZHOU Meng, WANG Zhenshen, CHANG Xiaomeng, XU Yang, LI Qingquan. Coupling mobile phone and social media data: a new approach to understanding urban functions and diurnal patterns. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2017, 31(12), 2331-2358. (SCI).
 25 Wei TU*, Qingquan LI*, Zhixiang FANG, Shih-lung Shaw, Baoding ZHOU, Xiaomeng CHANG. Optimizing the locations of electric taxi charging stations: A spatial–temporal demand coverage approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2016, 65, 172-189. (SCI).
 24 曹瑞, 涂伟*, 巢佰崇, 罗年学, 周檬, 李清泉. 基于智能卡数据的地铁周边职住用地识别与分析. 测绘地理信息. 2016, 41, 74-78. (CSCD).
Zhixiang FANG*, Shih-Lung Shaw, Wei TU, Qingquan LI. Spatiotemporal Critical Opportunity and Link Identification for Joint Participation Scheduling. Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience. 2015, 1, 109-126. (EI).
 22 Baoding Zhou , Qingquan Li *, Qingzhou Mao *, Wei Tu , Xing Zhang . Activity Sequence-Based Indoor Pedestrian Localization Using Smartphones. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 2015, 45(5), 562 - 574. (SCI).
 21 Baoding Zhou, Qingquan Li*, Qingzhou Mao, Wei Tu, Xing Zhang, Long Chen. ALIMC: Activity Landmark-Based Indoor Mapping via Crowdsourcing. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2015, 16(5), 2774 - 2785. (SCI).
 20 Wei TU*, Qingquan LI*, Zhixiang FANG, Baoding ZHOU. A Novel Spatial-Temporal Voronoi Diagram-Based Heuristic Approach for Large-Scale Vehicle Routing Optimization with Time Constraints. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2015, 4(4), 2019-2044. (SCI).
Wei TU*, Qingquan LI, Xiaomeng CHANG, Yang yue, Jiasong ZHU. A Spatio-Temporal Decision Support Framework for Large Scale Logistics Distribution in the Metropolitan Area. Advances in Spatial Data Handling. 2015, 0(EI).
 18 Wei TU, Zhixiang FANG*, Qingquan LI, Shilung SHAW, Biyu CHEN. A bi-level Voronoi diagram-based metaheuristic for a large-scale multi-depot vehicle routing problem. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2014, 61, 84-97. (SCI).
 17 涂伟*, 李清泉, 方志祥. 基于网络Voronoi图的大规模多仓库物流配送路径优化. 测绘学报. 2014, 43(10), 1075-1082. (EI).
 16 Zhixiang FANG*, Wei TU*, Qingquan LI*, Shih-Lung SHAW, Shunqing CHEN, Biyu CHEN. A Voronoi neighborhood-based search heuristic for distance/capacity constrained very large vehicle routing problems. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2013, 27(4), 741-764. (SCI).
 15 涂伟*, 李清泉, 方志祥. 一种大规模车辆路径问题的启发式算法. 武汉大学学报•信息科学版. 2013, 38(3), 307-310. (EI).
 14 Zhixiang FANG*, Shih-Lung SHAW, Wei TU*, Qingquan LI, Yuguang LI. Spatio temporal analysis of critical transportation links based on time geographic concepts: a case study of critical bridges in Wuhan, China. Journal of Transport Geography. 2012, 23(1), 44-59. (SSCI).
 13 涂伟, 方志祥, 李清泉, 鲁仕维. 基于Voronoi邻近的物流车辆路径快速优化方法. 地球信息科学学报. 2012, 14(6), 781-78. (CSCD).
 12 Zhixiang FANG*, Wei TU*, Qingquan LI, Qingquan LI. A multi-objective approach to scheduling joint participation with variable space and time preferences and opportunities. Journal of Transport Geography. 2011, 19(4), 623-634. (SSCI).
 11 周隽, 花向红, 涂伟, 李昭. 基于移动GIS 的小型移动应急平台的设计和实现. 测绘工程. 2008, 17(2), 39-42. (CSCD).
Wang Weixi, Luan Zhaoliang, He Biao, Li Xiaoming, Zhang Dejin, Huang Zhendong, Tu Wei. A New Hierarchical Clustering Approach For Sparse Mobile Phone Trajectories.. Mid-term Symposium of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences. 2018, undefined(EI).
  9 LI Xiaona, TU Wei, SHENG Shaoqing, YUE Yang, LUO Nianxue, LI Qingquan. Revealing spatial variation and correlation of urban travels from big trajectory data. ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017. 2017, undefined, 53-57. (EI).
  8 Wei TU, Rui CAO, Jinzhou CAO, Qingquan LI. Spatial-temporal variation of public transit ridership using smart card data and mobile phone data. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting 2016. 2016, undefined(其它).
  7 Rui CAO, Wei TU*, Jinzhou CAO, Qingquan LI. Comparison of Urban Human Movements inferring from multi-sources spatio-temporal data. International Society for Photogrammetery and Remote Sensing Congress 2016. 2016, undefined(A&HCI).
  6 Jinzhou Cao, Wei TU*, Qingquan LI, Meng ZHOU, Rui CAO. Exploring the distribution and dynamics of functional regions using mobile phone data and social media data. 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management. 2015, undefined(其它).
  5 Meng ZHOU, Wei TU*, Qingquan LI, Yang YUE, Xiaomeng CHANG. Inferring Individual Physical Locations with Social Friendships. Geoinfomatics 2015. 2015, undefined(EI).
Wei TU, Zhixiang FANG, Qingquan LI. An empirical analysis of Voronoi neighborhood characteristics of heuristic solutions for capitated vehicle routing problems. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Transport Modeling. OPTIMUM2013. 2013, undefined(其它).
  3 SUN Xuan, Wei Yongchang, TU Wei. From CAD Design to Virtual Environment: Underground Pipeline Information System Construction for Smart City. International Conference on Frontier of Energy and Environment Engineering. 2013, undefined(EI).
  2 Wei TU, Zhixiang FANG, Qingquan LI. Exploring time varying shortest path of urban OD pairs based on floating car data.. 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics 2010. 2010, undefined(EI).
  1 TU Wei, NIAN Xueluo, ZHAO Chen. The study of the framework and key technology of mobile emergency response platform. 2008 PROCEEDINGS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM SCIENCES. 2008, undefined(A&HCI).
1 桥梁形变动态综合测量技术与应用. 中国测绘学会测绘科学技术一等奖. 涂伟*,汪驰升,方辉兵,高文武,李清泉,严爱国,秦晓琼,郑强,曹劲舟、殷鹏程、徐传昶、熊伟、张博琛、瞿国钊、秦朝辉. 2021.
2 大数据支持下的城市人群出行活动探测与时空服务关键技术. 教育部科技进步二等奖. 方志祥, 裴韬, 尹凌, 涂伟*, 熊盛武 , 陈碧宇, 杨喜平, 赵志远 , 刘向龙 , 黄正东, 乐阳, 杨秀中, 胡跃平, 郑猛 , 郭建国. 2019
3 基于立体观测网的海洋综合管理信息平台关键技术与应用. 中国地理信息产业协会地理信息科技进步一等奖. 郑志文, 洪宇, 周凯, 朱家松, 沈少青, 涂伟*, 孔祥勤 , 李晓明, 胡振宇, 王伟玺, 汪驰升, 杨建洪, 刘鹏, 陈兴华, 卢世鹏. 2015
4 复杂动态交通环境下的网络导航与物流配送关键技术与应用. 中国地理信息产业协会地理信息科技进步一等奖. 李清泉, 孙玉国, 陈顺清, 乐阳, 林兴强, 李必军, 曹晓航, 方志祥, 郑彩霞, 陈碧宇, 涂伟*, 张彤, 张星, 张永军, 彭进双. 2014
1 周宝定, 李清泉, 朱家松*, 涂伟. 一种运动行为辅助的室内融合定位方法及装置、存储介质, 国际专利保护(中国),2018, 已授权 : 201710891775.6
2 涂伟, 赵天鸿, 黄正东, 李清泉, 朱婷婷, 杨超. 一种基于轨迹大数据的众包物流配送路径规划方法及系统, 发明专利(中国),2018, 已申请未授权 : ZL201811390979.0
3 李清泉, 周宝定, 朱家松*, 涂伟. 一种WiFi位置指纹地图自动构建方法及系统, 发明专利(中国),2017, 已授权 : 201710039771.5
4 涂伟, 李清泉, 曹瑞, 乐阳, 曹劲舟, 朱家松*. 一种多源位置数据的一致性检验与融合方法及系统, 发明专利(中国),2016, 已授权 : 201610477175.0
5 涂伟, 李清泉, 朱家松*, 周宝定. 一种基于智能匹配和路径优化的拼车方法及系统, 发明专利(中国),2016, 已授权 : 201610010115.8
6 涂伟, 黄练, 朱家松*, 韩国华, 林钰龙, 周鹏, 李清泉. 一种基于交通拥堵传播模型的交通拥堵预测方法及系统, 发明专利(中国),2016, 已授权 : 201610976252.7
7 涂伟*, 李清泉, 朱家松, 周宝定. 一种基于智能匹配和路径优化的拼车方法及系统, 发明专利(中国),2017, 专利号 : 201610010115.8
8 周宝定, 李清泉, 朱家松, 涂伟. 一种运动行为辅助的室内融合定位方法及装置、存储介质, 发明专利(中国),2017, 申请号 : 201710891775.6
9 涂伟, 曹劲舟, 李清泉, 乐阳, 曹瑞, 王振声. 基于多源时空轨迹数据的群体活动数据收集方法及系统, 发明专利(中国),2016, 专利号 : CN201610517438.6